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SSL Provider choices for

"Which free SSL providers do you support?

     If you want an SSL certificate that’s trusted by browsers, it must be provided by a known SSL certificate provider, also called Certificate Authority. InfinityFree integrates with multiple SSL providers, because different SSL providers are better suited for some circumstances. This article details the various options we support, and which we recommend for you.

Which SSL providers are available?

Let’s Encrypt
Let’s Encrypt is the world’s largest SSL certificate provider. Let’s Encrypt changed the world by offering free SSL certificates to everyone, and by focusing on short lived certificates and automation. Let’s Encrypt does not provide any paid services, they are a non-profit sponsored by browser makers, hosting providers and other companies trying to make the internet safer.
Certificates are valid for 90 days.
Supports custom domains.
Not available for free subdomains.
Easy renewal process (only need to setup CNAME record once, which can be reused on renewal).
Usually issued in around 30 seconds.
Trusted by most modern web browsers.

NOTE: Let’s Encrypt has limits on how many certificates can be issued per domain name. Because of that, we cannot offer Let’s Encrypt for free subdomains, because the rate limits do not permit it.
Who should use it?
We recommend Let’s Encrypt to everyone who hosts their own domain name with us. Let’s Encrypt’s setup process is fast, easy and reliable and their certificates are well known and trusted.

GoGetSSL is a company that normally sells all kinds of SSL certificates and related services. They also provide a basic Trial SSL certificate that’s valid for 90 days. But there are no limits on the number of trial certificates you can get, and they can be renewed an unlimited number of times, which effectively makes them completely free SSL.

Certificates are valid for 90 days.
Supports custom domains.
Supports free subdomains.
Less easy renewal process (requires a new CNAME record to be set up for every renewal).
Usually issued in around 30 minutes.
Trusted by most modern web browsers.

Who should use it?

We recommend GoGetSSL to everyone who is using a free subdomain.

ZeroSSL is a free SSL certificate provider. They typically charge extra if you want advanced certificates with more domains or longer lifetime, but they provide free SSL certificates valid for 90 days.

Certificates are valid for 90 days.
Supports custom domains.
Supports free subdomains.
Easy renewal process (only need to setup CNAME record once, which can be reused on renewal).
Usually issued in around 10 minutes
Trusted by most modern web browsers.

NOTE: We are experiencing many random errors and rate limiting issues with ZeroSSL. We do still provide it as an option, but recommend other SSL providers if possible.

Who should use it?
You can use ZeroSSL if you are having issues with GoGetSSL or Let’s Encrypt. We recommend both of those for most users.

Google Trust
Google provides a wide range of services, including various products for security. They recently added free SSL certificates to their portfolio.

Certificates are valid for 90 days.
Supports custom domains.
Supports free subdomains.
Easy renewal process (only need to setup CNAME record once, which can be reused on renewal).
Usually issued in around 30 seconds.
Trusted by most modern web browsers.

NOTE: We are currently offering Google Trust support as a beta test. It should work fine for most people, but we are still studying their services and learn how they behave, so you may see some odd issues.

Who should use it?

Google Trust is a good option for any domain name, but there is a chance you may experience some bugs because our integration is new.

Self Signed
The Self Signed provider is a “fake” SSL provider. These certificates are generated by InfinityFree and are not trusted by browsers. However, the certificates are valid for a long time, which makes them useful if you are using Cloudflare with Full SSL mode.

Certificates are valid for 10 years.
Supports custom domains.
Supports free subdomains.
Easy renewal process (no validation required)
Issues instantly.

Who should use it?

If you are using Cloudflare on your domain, we recommend a Self Signed certificate along with Cloud flare's Full SSL mode. Full SSL mode provides a good balance between security and easy of use. It’s more secure than Flexible SSL, but doesn’t require regular SSL certificates like with “Full (strict)” mode.

Which SSL provider should I use?
If you are using Cloudflare on your domain, we recommend configuring Cloudflare with Full SSL and a Self Signed certificate.
If you have your own domain name, we recommend using Let’s Encrypt.
If you have a free subdomain, we recommend using GoGetSSL.

Do I have to choose one of these providers?

No, you are free to obtain your own SSL certificate to use here. For example, because you want a certificate that’s valid for a full year, for example from GoGetSSL.

You can generate a private key and CSR from the control panel, and use the CSR to obtain the SSL certificate. Alternatively, you can let the SSL provider generate the private key and certificate for you, which you can then upload through the control panel."

What Admin from does not describe or explain is that Cloudflare is probably the best choice.
Yes it uses a self signed 10 yrs certificate, but that cert is used to encrypt the data from your domain to cloudflare servers. The encrypted connection to end users is then made by using a browser trusted cert, provided by CloudFlare (in FULL SSL Mode) & 100% free.

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